Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship Fund
The David and Susan Christensen family in memory of their daughter Shanna Rae set up a special scholarship fund called the Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship. The fund agreement was set up with the South Dakota Community Foundation as a sub-fund of the Watchdog Education Foundation, and affiliated fund of the Beresford Area Foundation.
The Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship fund is supported by the Christensen family as well as its sponsors and donations from individuals and entities.
The scholarship is for Beresford High School seniors whose intended plans of post-high study are in the area of special education, rehabilitation, or nursing. The senior must have two letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to character and activity involvement. The senior must have a 3.0 GPA or higher, demonstrate good moral character, and be involved in community, church and/or school activities. Work and/or volunteer experience with special needs children is preferred but not required.
The Watchdog Education Foundation Board makes a decision in the spring as to the seniors who will receive the annual Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarships.
Watchdog Foundation Innovative Education Grant
The Watchdog Foundation believes in providing opportunities for educational enhancement in the district outside of what is available in the school’s budget. Innovation is extremely important to the ever-developing field of education. Grant awards must benefit public education to students but are not meant to supplement the district’s budget.
Grants are awarded for innovative and creative educational projects. The project may be for a classroom, a grade level, a school, several schools, or the Beresford School District. Applicants may be one or more teachers, a group of teachers/staff, a teacher-parent group, or another Beresford School District employee group.
Innovative education grants can be from $50-$1000, project examples include:
A new or innovative technology tool that incorporates 21st century learning skills for students, a school or classroom;
A one-time event or experience that offers students a unique experience that would not otherwise be available;
An immediate impact grant that boosts a program or activity to another level. Grant recipients may find it helpful to develop grants with other educators, team members, and/or their building principal.
2015 | $4,700.68
Mrs. Julie Saugstad: Summer Arts Camp ($1,000)
Mrs. Donna Neuman: Watchdog Robotics ($,1000)
Mrs. Erika Hansen: Summer Reading Tutoring ($1,000)
Mrs. Bridget Twedt: Plasma Cam & Cutter ($1,700.68)
2016 | $2,300
Ms. Debra Groninga: Beresford Elementary School Mentoring Program ($500)
Mrs. Gina Mees: Beresford Elementary School Honors Choir Scholarships ($500)
Miss Audrey Graber: Beresford High School Spanish Field Trip in Puerto Rico ($525)
Dr. Terri Buechler and Dr. Tommy Merriman: Beresford High School Book Read ($775)
2017 | $2,500
Mrs. Noelle Muller, Beresford Middle School Reading and Mrs. Krysta Coy, Beresford Middle School SPED: summer learning program that focuses on English Language Arts and Math activities for students. ($1,000)
Mrs. Ginny Gustad, Network Administrator and Mrs. Dawn Coggins, MS/HS Technology teacher: Virtual Reality technology that allows students to explore and experience learning as if they were physically there. ($1,000)
Mrs. Vicki Cahoon, Elementary School Behavioral Facilitator: Elementary School Mentoring program. ($500)
Watchdog Legacy Project ($50,000 pledge over 10 years) $5,000 per year beginning in the summer of 2018 through the summer of 2027.
2020 | $18,250
Beresford School District: English Language Learner (ELL) Professional Development ($5,000)
Mrs. Erika Hansen and Miss Ann Marie Anderson: Beresford Elementary School Summer Tutoring in Reading/Writing/Math ($5,000)
History of Beresford Schools: Touch Pro Screen/Video Kiosk in the BHS Gym Lobby ($1,000)
Watchdog Alumni Association: Strategic Planning with Maxwell Strategies ($7,250)
2021 | $7,331.90
Alumni Efforts ($2,331.90)
Dakota Debate Institute ($1,500)
Greenhouse Project ($1,000)
Necessities Closet ($1,500)
Yoga & Mindfulness Course ($1,000)
2022 | $5,000
Mrs. Ann Tornberg (Dakota Debate Institute) submitted a grant application to send three Beresford Watchdogs to the Dakota Debate Institute (e.g., Max Josko, Jameson Ouimet, and Haley Huot).
Mrs. Karol Baer and Mrs. Noelle Muller (Yoga & Mindfulness) are working on expanding our middle wheel/encore electives by offering a yoga/mindfulness course. Grant funds will help purchase materials that will allow students to practice mindfulness and yoga during a period five elective.
Mrs. Bridget Twedt (Greenhouse Updates) submitted a grant application to update grow tables in the greenhouse. The updated equipment will help propagate plants and assist with seedbed preparation, plant handling, and final product preparation and handling.
Mrs. Shellie Pratt (Care Closet) is working to establish a stocked cabinet that will contain clothing, toiletries, and personal care needs for our Beresford Middle School and Beresford High School learners. Learning cannot happen until a student's basic needs are met.
2023 | $7,500
Mrs. Ann Tornberg earned a grant to help send her National Debate Qualifiers to the National Competition in Phoenix, Arizona. The grant funds will help send two high school students and eleven middle school students to the competition. (2,750)
Dr. Renee Anderson was awarded a grant to help Beresford Middle School continue to implement its Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The PBIS program supports the academic and social-emotional growth of all students. ($1,700)
Dr. Dustin Degen received a grant to help the building project steering committee advertise and market future Beresford School District building projects that impact the school and community. ($2,000)
Mrs. Amber Sorensen earned a grant for the Girls on the Run program implemented at Beresford Elementary School. The program helps young girls learn how to handle emotions and social situations better while training for a 5K race. ($3,000)
Mrs. Pratt received a grant to help send Juliann Seeley to the National HOSA-Future Healthcare Leaders Conference in Dallas, Texas. Ms. Seeley is a back-to-back state champion in sports medicine. ($750).
2024 | $7,800
Mr. Matt Storo: earned a grant for $441.03 worth of 3D printer supplies for his CTE classroom, and another for an Officiating Course for $459.36. ($900.39)
Mrs. Hillary Bloch received a grant for a Weather Station, which she will utilize in her Environmental Science course. ($700)
Mrs. Shellie Pratt earned a grant to provide senior students with a structured experience to help students find and complete scholarship applications while building a portfolio. ($1,181.96)
Mrs. Noelle Muller earned a grant to provide summer learning opportunities to middle school students. The program aims to help kids prepare for next year. ($2,273)
Mrs. Jessica Paopao and Ms. Monste Vazquez earned a grant to provide summer learning opportunities to multilingual learners in the Beresford School District. The program aims to help kids continue to grow and flourish. ($2,744.65)